Most of the ideas that underly my research have formed day after day through the interaction with other researchers: colleagues, PhD students and post-docs. Much of my published and ongoing work would have not even started without the collaboration with a number of people.
Research Group
I am a member of the Centre for Research in Ecology Evolution and Behaviour of the University of Roehampton (CREEB).
I am also a principal investigator in the Roehampton University Behavioural Energetics Laboratory (RUBEL)
If you visit these group pages you can find links to some of my close collaborators, to the post-docs that I mentor and to the PhD students that I supervise. I no longer host this information directly here to leave students and collaborators control over the information that they share on the internet and also because the linked websites are updated more frequently.
The network of my coauthors
This is a visualisation of my collaborators as a network.
The network is based on coauthorship of research articles in Google Scholar (meaning that PhD students that have not published yet and researchers who do not have a Google Scholar profile are unfortunately underrepresented).